Harry Lumsden

Harry Lumsden has been active for almost 60 years in the study and conservation of Ontario’s birds. He is respected worldwide as an authority on waterfowl and gallinaceous birds. He was one of the pioneers of ornithological research in northern Ontario. His research made very important additions to our knowledge on birds in that part of the province, as reflected in his numerous publications.

As a biologist and research scientist with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), Harry conducted field work and made important contributions to the birdlife of Ontario. For example, he studied Sharp-tailed Grouse and Greater Prairie-Chickens on Manitoulin Island. He retired in 1988, but continued research projects such as his work on Trumpeter Swans.

Harry has been a member of OFO since 1983. He is a long time supporter of the organization, and has always responded enthusiastically to OFO members and editors seeking his advice. Harry has contributed articles to Ontario Birds, and for OFO’s special publication, Ornithology in Ontario. Harry Lumsden was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada in 2004 in recognition of his outstanding contributions to wildlife management and conservation.


Harry Lumsden (right) receiving the 2008 Distinguished Ornithologist Award from Ken Abraham at the OFO Annual Convention in Hamilton on 4 October 2008. Photo: Eleanor Beagan