Erica Dunn and David Hussell

David Hussell and Erica Dunn, husband and wife, began their academic careers in ornithology as graduate students at the University of Michigan in the 1960s.

David founded Long Point Bird Observatory in 1960 and Thunder Cape Bird Observatory in 1991. David’s study of breeding Tree Swallows is one of the longest running in North America. He organized the first North American Birdathon to raise money for bird research through the James L. Baillie Fund.

Erica started the Ontario Bird Feeder Project which developed into the very popular international Project FeederWatch. David pioneered the use of migration counts to monitor small bird and raptor populations, and both played key roles in establishing the Migration Monitoring Network and Raptor Population Index Program. They believe strongly in role of volunteers and developed standards and protocols for data collection.

Erica helped establish the Society of Canadian Ornithologists and served as its third president. That organization presented Erica and David with the Doris Huestis Speirs Award in 2001 for outstanding contributions in ornithology. Both are members of the American Ornithologists’ Union (AOU), and Erica was AOU president from 2006 to 2008. Between these two outstanding scientists, David and Erica have published 132 peer-reviewed publications, as well as numerous popular contributions.


Erica Dunn (left) and David Hussell, jointly, receiving the Distinguished Ornithologist Award from Erica Nol at the OFO Annual Convention Banquet in Port Dover on 25 September 2010. Photo: Jean Iron