Jim Richards
Jim was born and raised in Oshawa, and he first took an interest in nature at age 7. At age 10, he took up the hobby of collecting birds’ eggs. By his early teens, Jim was hooked on birding and…
Jim was born and raised in Oshawa, and he first took an interest in nature at age 7. At age 10, he took up the hobby of collecting birds’ eggs. By his early teens, Jim was hooked on birding and…
David Brewer began birding about the age of 12 in England. He obtained his first bird banding permit from the British Trust for Ornithology at age 17 and has held a Canadian banding permit since 1971. He became an authority…
David Hussell and Erica Dunn, husband and wife, began their academic careers in ornithology as graduate students at the University of Michigan in the 1960s. David founded Long Point Bird Observatory in 1960 and Thunder Cape Bird Observatory in 1991.…
Ron Tozer is a charter member of OFO and one of Ontario’s best known field ornithologists. Many of Canada’s prominent scientists and conservationists benefited from Ron’s mentoring when they were summer naturalists in Algonquin Park. OFO members appreciate Ron’s depth…
Harry Lumsden has been active for almost 60 years in the study and conservation of Ontario’s birds. He is respected worldwide as an authority on waterfowl and gallinaceous birds. He was one of the pioneers of ornithological research in northern…
Mike Cadman has been a life-long student of birds. He received his Master of Science degree from the University of Toronto in 1980 based on studies of the American Oystercatcher. He is a Songbird Biologist with Ontario Region of the…
Ken Abraham is respected worldwide for his knowledge of waterbirds, particularly Canada Geese, Cackling Geese, Brant, Snow Geese, Black Scoters and Marbled Godwits. He is the Ontario government’s representative on international committees overseeing the management and conservation of waterfowl and…
Ron Pittaway’s passion for birds began during the 1950s in Ottawa, where his mentor was the late Earl Godfrey, then Curator of Ornithology at the National Museum. Godfrey influenced Ron’s interest in identification, taxonomy, subspecies, morphs, molts and plumages. Ron…
Jim Rising is an OFO member best known for his research and contributions to our knowledge of the taxonomy and identification of North American birds. As professor of ornithology at the University of Toronto, Jim taught courses in field ornithology,…
Bob Curry is well known in Ontario and North America as one of the continent’s finest field ornithologists. He began birding in Hamilton over 55 years ago under the guidance of the legendary George North. Bob has mentored many of…