Ivor Williams

Ivor Williams

2006 Certificates

William “Bill” McNair for making his farm available for the Eastern Loggerhead Shrike Recovery Program near Dyers Bay on the Bruce Peninsula and for working with Lee Redford and Rina, from the University of Guelph, to look after the 20…

George and Mark Peck

Preamble: It was one of those offers too good to refuse. When Chris Escott, President of the Ontario Field Ornithologists, first approached us to see if we would be interested in being the OFO Celebrity Birders for 2005 we were…

Ron Pittaway

Ron Pittaway’s passion for birds began during the 1950s in Ottawa, where his mentor was the late Earl Godfrey, then Curator of Ornithology at the National Museum. Godfrey influenced Ron’s interest in identification, taxonomy, subspecies, morphs, molts and plumages. Ron…

2005 Certificates

Gloria Braithwaite for hosting the large numbers of visitors who came to see the Varied Thrush that visited her feeder in the winter of 2005. Allen Chartier for the identification work he did to confirm the identity of the Rufous…

Jim Rising

Jim Rising is an OFO member best known for his research and contributions to our knowledge of the taxonomy and identification of North American birds. As professor of ornithology at the University of Toronto, Jim taught courses in field ornithology,…

2004 Certificates

Dorothy Armstrong and her son, Larry Armstrong for welcoming birders on their land to view the Gray Flycatcher near Cayuga in December 2003 and January 2004. Ian Barnes of Hidden Valley Campground for their hospitality to visiting birders viewing the…

Bob Curry

Bob Curry is well known in Ontario and North America as one of the continent’s finest field ornithologists. He began birding in Hamilton over 55 years ago under the guidance of the legendary George North. Bob has mentored many of…

2003 Certificates

Sam Barone for his valuable and generous photographic contributions to OFO publications and to the OFO website over many years. Fred and Rita Chapman for their generous hospitality to Ontario birdwatchers during the stay of the pair of Varied Thrushes…

Bruce Falls

Bruce Falls had a long career as a professional ornithologist. He also is a mammalogist, having done his doctoral studies on the White-footed Mouse at Long Point on Lake Erie, which continues to be one of his favourite birding areas.…

2002 Certificates

Geoff Carpentier for his tireless work to obtain access on behalf of all Ontario birders to the Port Perry Sewage Lagoons. He received asecond award for generously donating his time and raising funds during the Baillie Birdathon on behalf of…