Ivor Williams

Ivor Williams

Ron Tozer

Ron Tozer is a charter member of OFO and one of Ontario’s best known field ornithologists. Many of Canada’s prominent scientists and conservationists benefited from Ron’s mentoring when they were summer naturalists in Algonquin Park. OFO members appreciate Ron’s depth…

2009 Certificates

Paul and Sue Chapman for welcoming all birders to their home in St. Catharines (more than 100) to see the adult White‐winged Dove that was there from 21 July 2008 to at least 15 October 2008. Dave and Mary Elder…

Harry Lumsden

Harry Lumsden has been active for almost 60 years in the study and conservation of Ontario’s birds. He is respected worldwide as an authority on waterfowl and gallinaceous birds. He was one of the pioneers of ornithological research in northern…

2008 Certificates

Peter Middleton for his contribution to the Sauble Beach Piping Plovers in 2007. Pam and Chris Heil for their hospitality to visiting birders during the appearance of a Rufous Hummingbird at their feeder, 18 November to 1 December 2007. Hydro…

Ben and Cheryl Edgecombe

**Friday 18 May 2007. ** Ben and I were honoured to be named OFO celebrity birders in 2007. We decided to do our Baillie Birdathon in the Hamilton Study Area, an area we knew well and where we knew we…

Mike Cadman

Mike Cadman has been a life-long student of birds. He received his Master of Science degree from the University of Toronto in 1980 based on studies of the American Oystercatcher. He is a Songbird Biologist with Ontario Region of the…

2007 Certificates

Gwen and Milton Mowbray in recognition of their dedication to nature and especially for protecting wildlife at their pond. Mike and Nancy Furber for welcoming birders to their property to see the Western Kingbird which was there on 26 and…

Dave Milsom

24 May on a clear evening we left Toronto and headed west. Chris Escott was driving. Chester Gryski, Bob Falconer and I were the passengers. All four are members of the OFO Board of Directors. Our first of several anxious…

Ken Abraham

Ken Abraham is respected worldwide for his knowledge of waterbirds, particularly Canada Geese, Cackling Geese, Brant, Snow Geese, Black Scoters and Marbled Godwits. He is the Ontario government’s representative on international committees overseeing the management and conservation of waterfowl and…