Ivor Williams

Ivor Williams

2024 Certificates

Essex Region Conservation Authority, Pelee Wings Nature Store, and Point Pelee National Park, nominated by Jean Iron and Dave Milson for an Award of Special Merit For their ongoing support of OFO Shorebird Nights and shorebird education at Hillman Marsh…

Birding With Pride

Join the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) at Point Pelee National Park on May 4th for the second annual Birding With Pride event open house during the Festival of Birds! Join us at the North West Beach pavilion for refreshments and…

OFO Merchandise

Bird of the Year logo and more This year’s OFO bird logo by Jenny Boulger along with the classic Pileated Woodpecker and the Birding Buddies Red-breasted Nuthatch is available on a variety of merch at OFO Redbubble store.

Mark Peck

On 28 September 2024 at the OFO Convention in Leamington, Ontario, Mark Kelday Peck received the Distinguished Ornithologist Award of the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) in recognition of his tremendous contributions to OFO and the Ontario birding community as well…

Bird of the Year – Submissions

Alessandra Kite’s rendition of a flying male Bobolink gained the most votes from members, making it our first Bird of the Year logo! You can purchase it on a variety of items at the OFO Redbubble store – Here are…

2023 Certificates

Aaron Hywarren, nominated by Quinten Wiegersma For his dedication to the OFO Ambassador Program in regards to the Manitoulin Island Lewis’s Woodpecker for the viewing date of January 17, 2023. Phyllis and Bob Cacciotti, nominated by Quinten Wiegersma For graciously…

OFO Birding Buddies

We are excited to introduce OFO Birding Buddies! Do you ever travel to parts of the province that you are not familiar with and wish that you could talk to local birders to get their advice on how to bird…

Cheat Sheets for Birding I.D.

After taking a 101 Birding course in 2019 with Anthony Kaduck, newbie bird nerd Jenny Newton initially had difficulty identifying small birds because she just didn’t know the differences between sparrows, warblers and others. So she decided to create a…