Bob Curry

Bob Curry is well known in Ontario and North America as one of the continent’s finest field ornithologists. He began birding in Hamilton over 55 years ago under the guidance of the legendary George North. Bob has mentored many of Ontario’s top birders.

Bob is a founding life member of OFO and a strong supporter over the years. He was photo quiz editor of Ontario Birds from 1993 to 2002. He is also a founding member of the Ontario Bird Records Committee (OBRC). During 17 years on the OBRC, he served as Chair for eight years and Secretary for two.

Bob played an important role in both Ontario atlases, as an atlaser, member of the Data Review Committee for both atlases, species account author, reviewer, and Regional Coordinator for Halton Region in the first atlas. He is widely recognized as an authority on status, distribution and identification of birds in Ontario. His expertise in the field translates into many articles in Ontario Birds and OFO News and other publications.

Bob’s Birds of Hamilton and Surrounding Areas is one of the most extensive and authoritative regional bird books published in Ontario.


Bob Curry (left) receiving the Distinguished Ornithologist Award from Bill Crins at the OFO Annual Convention at Point Pelee on 20 September 2003. Photo: Ron Pittaway