Jack & Dawn Christilaw, Kilbride
Varied Thrush
Magnus & Isobel Huber, Harmony
Spotted Towhee.
John Carley
For his Efforts to Protect the Leslie Street Spit in Toronto.
Harry Kerr, Toronto
Keeping the Phone Lines Open to Inform Birders about Rare Birds.
Michael King, Toronto
For His Maps and Illustrations in OFO News and Ontario Birds.
Stephen Mangotich & CoSteel Recycling
Being the Primary Donor of NPHW Tower at Beamer Conservation Area and Managing the Project.
Wendy Fox Canada Trust, Friends of the Environment Foundation, Grimsby
For a Significant Financial Donation to the NPHW Tower at Beamer Conservation Area.
Gord Harry, Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority
Allowing the Tower on Conservation Property, Arranging Permits and the Installation of Footings.
Lionel Schipper
Arranging the Donation of the NPHW Tower at Beamer Conservation Area.
Peter Koening, System Administrator Hamilton/Wentworth Community Net (HWCN)
Setting up the Majordomo Software for e-mail Lists. Otnbirds was the First for HWCN.
Kit Darling, Hamilton/Wentworth Community Net (HWCN)
Establishing an e-mail List Capability for Ontbirds.
John Chalmers, St. Lawrence Seaway Authority
Allowing Birders on Seaway Property at Port Weller East.
Albert Vanderliek, Bismark
Welcoming Birders to Watch Birds at the Large Pond on His Property.