Welcome to Call Notes, OFO’s news and events for OFO members and the birding community.
In this issue
- Announcements and News
- Call for Volunteers
- Gulls, Gulls, Gulls
- OFO Member Meetings
- Trips and Events for OFO Members
Bird of the Year – Voting begins!
It’s finally time to choose the logo for the OFO Bird of the Year!
We were thrilled to see the number of artistic renditions of the Bobolink that were submitted by talented birder-artists from across Ontario.
All submissions are available to see and vote on by following the link below:
Artist names will be kept anonymous for now, this will make for more fair voting so that you chose your favourite art and not a name you know.
Please vote soon! Voting will be open until November 8th, so cast your vote before then.
The submission that receives the most votes will be crowned the winner of the OFO 2024 Bird of the Year logo.
In January, all the submissions including artists’ names will be posted on the OFO website. A large selection of items carrying the logo, from clothing to mugs, will be available for purchase on Redbubble.
Winter Finch Forecast 2023
Tyler Hoar’s Annual Winter Finch Forecast is available on the Finch Research Network site under the News/Blog section. The forecast predicts the winter movements south of the boreal forest for eight finches and three irruptive species tracked along with them.1
The forecast contains a wealth of information. As well as predicted movements, the forecast summarizes cone crops, regional variation in movement, and preferred feeder food.
Tyler took over the Winter Finch Forecast from Ron Pittaway in 2020. Ron originated the forecast, using observations of cone and other food sources supplied by his many collaborators to predict which species would be moving south in search of food over the coming winter. Upon Ron’s passing, Tyler wrote a moving tribute, “A Passing of a Legend,” which can be read on the Finch Network site, or which can be found under older posts under News/Blog.1Finch species tracked are: Pine Grosbeak, Purple Finch, Red Crossbill, White-winged Crossbill, Common Redpoll, Hoary Redpoll, Pine Siskin and Evening Grosbeak. Irruptive species tracked are: Blue Jay, Red-breasted Nuthatch and Bohemian Waxwing.
OFO News October issue now available:
The October issue of OFO News is at the printer and is now available on OFO’s website under Publications at: http://www.ofo.ca/library/list/key/on.
This issue contains a wonderful article about mergansers by Raspberry Yow-Fairs, a young birder from Toronto, as well as articles about different styles of birding, fall rarities, and more.
OFO News needs your Moments & Milestones for the February Issue
We hope you enjoy reading OFO member’s Moments & Milestones in the October issue of OFO News. We want to hear from you for our February issue.
Finally catch up with that elusive bird you have always wanted to see? Reach a milestone on your life list? Welcome an unexpected visitor at your feeder?
New and experienced birders who are members of OFO, please share your special bird moments and milestones, obtained locally, provincially or globally, with OFO.
E-mail your Moments & Milestones, not to exceed 200 words, to ofonews@ofo.ca. Submissions will be published in OFO News in the order received, subject to light editing and space limitations.
The deadline for the February issue is 22 November 2023. We can’t wait to read your stories!
OFO Statement on Safety in the Ontario Birding Community
Last week, in response to recent reports and the surrounding discussion about sexual and gender-based harassment and assaults occurring within the birding community, OFO issued a Statement on Safety in the Ontario Birding Community. In case you missed it, click here.
OFO relies on our volunteers who dedicate their time to provide the many benefits and services that our members receive. We are looking for new volunteers to join our team.
If you are interested in volunteering for OFO, please contact Susan at volunteer@ofo.ca to discuss how we can best put your skills to use.
More Gulls, Gulls, Gulls: The Niagara Gull Weekend Dec 2/3, 2023!
Mark your calendars for the weekend of December 2nd and 3rd!
SaturdayDecember 2 2023: Explore Welland Canal
Explore the Welland Canal, Saturday morning 9:30AM – noon; Bob Highcock from the Peninsula Field Naturalists will be leading a field trip along the Welland Canal. This is a local hotspot which is noted for late migrants and waterbirds. Space is limited – registration is required on the OFO Niagara Gull Weekend: Explore Welland Canal
Learn about Gulls with Justin Peter
From 1:30 – 3:30, learn about gulls with Justin Peter who will demystify this challenging group of birds.
Location: The Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture, located 2565 Niagara River Pkwy, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 2S7
Watch the legendary fly-by
From 3:45 – 5:30, gather along the Niagara River to observe the legendary fly-by, when thousands of gulls fly to their night resting places on Lake Erie. This awesome spectacle is a great chance to spot a rarity and hone your gull ID skills.
Sunday December 3 2023: Gull Field Trips
On Sunday morning, join one of two gull field trips led by knowledgeable leaders. Marcie Jacklin and Max Sigler will lead a tour of hotspots along the Niagara River, Session 1 (Niagara River Gull Watch)
Gis Sigler will be leading from Dufferin Islands: Session 2 (Dufferin Islands);
Where to Stay
River Rapids Inn will have a group rate Friday Dec 1/Saturday Dec 2 night at $149 (averaged) per night for rooms with 2 Queen beds ONLY, plus a service fee of $5.00, a city tax fee of $2.00 and HST. The $20.00 parking fee will be waived (if the pricing isn’t exact on the billing it will average out to $149/night).
If you are booking 3 nights (pre/post Dec 1st or 2nd) with 2 Queen beds, the rate will be $129/night (averaged) plus a service fee of $5.00, city tax of $2.00 plus HST (if the pricing isn’t exact on the billing it will average out to $129 as long as you stay 3 nights)
They are located at 4029 River Road, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 3E5
Birding in Rainy River (Online – Tonight!)
Please join us as OFO member and trip leader Colleen Reilly shares stories and photographs from the 2023 birding expedition to the Rainy River area in Northwestern Ontario, home to some of the trickiest birds to find in Ontario, such as black-billed magpie and yellow-headed blackbird.
View the information here and join tonight (Wednesday, November 1st at 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM)
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84871008513 Making Audio Recordings of Birds (Online)
Rob Porter, the creator of the hugely popular Songbirding podcast series, shares some of his expertise with OFO members. If you’ve ever used sound recordings to study birds, or wished to make your own recordings, you won’t want to miss this presentation!
Register here, or join the Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, 06 Dec 2023, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Eastern Time
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84871008513
Other Upcoming Members Meetings
Looking ahead, the next Members Meeting will be January 3.
Kristi Dranginis will be giving an online Zoom presentation about instinctive birding and interpreting the language of the forest. Register here.
Upcoming Trips and Events for OFO Members
OFO field trips are for OFO members and a guest. Please register on the ofo.ca website under Upcoming Trips and Webinars.
Spaces are still available for some trips. If the trip is full, please register for the waitlist as spots often become free before the trip.
Colonel Sam Smith Park: 12 Nov 2023 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM, south parking lot at foot of Colonel Sam Smith Blvd, approximately 850 metres south of Lakeshore BlvdWilliam Loane Memorial Waterfowl Outing:26 Nov 2023 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, at Sunnyside, on the western Toronto lakeshore at the Sir Casimir Gzowski monument
Niagara Gull Weekend: Explore Welland Canal (Saturday Morning): 2 Dec 2023 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM, yellow gate at the end of Seaway Haulage Rd., Port Weller East, St. Catharines, Ontario
Niagara River Gull Watch: 3 Dec 2023 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM, Queen’s Royal Park (Gazebo) 45 Front Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake
Niagara River Gull Watch (Session 2): 3 Dec 2023 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM, Dufferin Island
Colonel Sam Smith Park: 10 Dec 2023 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Colonel Sam Smith parking lot
Colonel Sam Smith Park: 16 Dec 2023 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Colonel Sam Smith parking lot
Comments? Questions?
We welcome your comments and feedback! Please contact us at: ofo@ofo.ca.
Good birding,
The OFO Team