2023 Certificates

Aaron Hywarren, nominated by Quinten Wiegersma

For his dedication to the OFO Ambassador Program in regards to the Manitoulin Island Lewis’s Woodpecker for the viewing date of January 17, 2023.

Phyllis and Bob Cacciotti, nominated by Quinten Wiegersma

For graciously hosting birders to view the Manitoulin Island Lewis’s Woodpecker in January 2023.

Tony Barrett, nominated by Dave Milsom

For welcoming birders to his home to see the Boreal Chickadee in Peterborough, ON winter 2023.

Roxane Filion, nominated by Angie Williams

For leading trips, patiently sharing her birding expertise, mentoring newer birders, being a regional coordinator for the Breeding Bird Atlas, working collaboratively to bring an OFO Convention to Northern Ontario.

Amy Brunning, Quinten Wiegersma, Angela Skevington, Emma Gignac, nominated by Gis Segler

For volunteering countless hours at OFO’s 2022 Alan Wormington Memorial Camp.

Jeff Chambers, nominated by Marcie Jacklin

For providing exceptional tram service during Point Pelee National Park’s Spring Birding Festival in May 2023.

Sandra Marquez, Kathy Jones, Leona Mattice, Joanne Brathwaite, Nancy Raymond and Andres Jimenez, nominated by Jack Alvo

For designing and creating the Enabled Birding Map to make birding more accessible for people with various disabilities.

Tyne Bonebakker, nominated by Richard Pope

For donating his 156 acre property to the Northumberland Land Trust in 2018, now known as the Bonebakker Nature Reserve, and for allowing access to atlas the property. Also for collaborating with fellow landowners to secure access to their properties for additional atlassing purposes.

Karalee Patel and Ebrahim Patel, nominated by Glenn Coady

For welcoming birders to their Oakville, ON backyard to permit optimal viewing of the female Rufous Hummingbird during the period of November 5, 2021 – January 3, 2022.

Gary Elliott, Angela Rushton and Brock Rochus, nominated by Glenn Coady

For the City of Toronto Parks, Forest and Recreation staffers who went out of their way to coordinate and provide all-day protection from vehicles, birders, photographers, dog walkers and the general public to benefit the survival of a migrant Yellow Rail at Ashbridge’s Bay Park in Toronto, ON on May 11, 2022.