2020 Certificates

Brendon Samuels and Dr. Leanne Grieves

In appreciation for taking action to save the Bank Swallow Colony in London, ON.

Brian Morin

For providing on Ontbirds timely, informative and educational information about Snow Geese migration in eastern Ontario.

Bark Lake Leadership and Conference Centre

In appreciation for allowing birders free access to view the Varied Thrush all winter of 2019-2020.

Schomberg Village Council, Staff and Residents

In appreciation for facilitating ethical viewing of Logito, the Dufferin Marsh Northern Hawk Owl at by many grateful birders and photographers during the winter of 2019-2020.

Dufferin Marsh Nature Connection

In appreciation for facilitating ethical viewing of Logito, the Dufferin Marsh Northern Hawk Owl during the winter of 2019-2020.

Glenn Coady

For helping many grateful Ontario birders view the mega-rarity Hermit Warbler in the spring of 2019.

Feminist Bird Club, Toronto Chapter

In appreciation for organizing a birding fundraiser for racial justice to raise awareness and collect $28,312.82 in funds for the Black Legal Action Centre.

Jeff Skevington

For promoting and helping to implement OFO’s Birding at Home Challenge.

Mike Burrell

For promoting and helping to implement OFO’s Birding at Home Challenge.

Ivor Williams

In appreciation for his continuing IT support for OFO; the re-design of OFO’s web-site; preparation of electronic versions of our publications, OFO News and Ontario Birds, including past issues; and helping with the set-up of the Birding at Home Challenge under very tight timelines.

Norm Murr

For many years of promoting Toronto Islands as a birding hotspot through his trip reports, which include migration updates and logistical information, plus the comprehensive guide he has written which is available on the OFO website.

Dennis and Gwen Lewington

In recognition of their 35 years of maintaining and monitoring an Eastern Bluebird trail in the Bruce Peninsula, with the aim of helping to increase the population of Ontario Eastern Bluebirds.

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