Gwen and Milton Mowbray
in recognition of their dedication to nature and especially for protecting wildlife at their pond.
Mike and Nancy Furber
for welcoming birders to their property to see the Western Kingbird which was there on 26 and 27 September 2006.
John Zehethofer
in recognition of his freely giving his time and expertise to redesign the OFO website look in 2006.
Essex Regional Conservation Authority
for recognizing the importance of habitat creation for migrating shorebirds as well as enhancing viewing opportunities for visiting birders at Hillman Marsh.
Stan Long
for bringing Reesor Pond to the attention of the birding community in 2006.
Ron and Lynda Valentine
for participating in ten years of birdathons for OFO.

Ron and Lynda Valentine.
Photo: Jean Iron
Township of Alfred and Plantagenet,
Mayor Jean-Yves Lalonde
for promoting birding in the Alfred area through the creation of the Alfred Birding Trail and particularly the Birding Tower at the Alfred Sewage Lagoon.
Prescott-Russel Stewardship, Suzanne Lafrance
for promoting birding in the Alfred area through the creation of the Alfred Birding Trail and particularly the Birding Tower at the Alfred Sewage Lagoon.
Werner Schmalz, Kindermann Canada Inc.
in recognition of his long standing support of Ontario Birds and OFO.
Mike Malone, Pelee Wings Nature Store
in recognition of his long standing support of Ontario Birds and OFO.

Mike Malone.
Photo: Jean Iron
Paul Grant, Vortex Canada
in recognition of his long standing support of Ontario Birds and OFO.
Nikon Canada Inc.
in recognition of their long standing support of Ontario Birds and OFO.
George Madsen and Mosaic Esterhazy Holdings
for providing access to their settling lagoons.
Cheryl Edgecombe
for her weekly Hamilton Naturalists Club Birding report on Ontbirds.

Cheryl Edgecombe.
Photo: Jean Iron
Phyllis E.Bray
for the many years she operated her wonderful bird feeders in Chippewa.
Keith Lee
for his kindness in accommodating birders wishing access to the Brighton Wetland.
Barry Cherriere
for his hard work in maintaining trails for birders in the Hamilton area.

Barry Cherriere.
Photo: Jean Iron
Kevin Shackleton
for his help in enabling us to bird the Holland Landing Lagoons.
Brendan and Kim Toews
in recognition of their important finding, and of their contribution to the successful nesting, of Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach in 2007.

Brendan and Kim Loews.
Photo: Jean Iron
Cindy Cartwright, Stewart Nut, Peter Siebbert, Kirk Silver, Bruce Birding Club, Friends of Sauble Beach, Sauble Cottagers Association, Municipality of South Bruce Peninsula, Owen Sound Field Naturalists
in recognition of their contribution to the successful nesting, of Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach in 2007.

Cindy Cartwright.
Photo: Jean Iron
Jeff Robinson, Barbara Sleza of the Canadian Wildlife Service (Environment Canada)
in recognition of their important contribution to the successful nesting of Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach in 2007.
Mark Shoreman, Madeline Austen, Kevin Hawthorne,
Leo Heyens of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
in recognition of their important contribution to the successful nesting of Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach in 2007.
Todd Kish of Environment Canada
in recognition of his important contribution to the successful nesting of Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach in 2007.
Jack Dingledine of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service
in recognition of his important contribution to the successful nesting of Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach in 2007.