2005 Certificates

Gloria Braithwaite

for hosting the large numbers of visitors who came to see the Varied Thrush that visited her feeder in the winter of 2005.

Allen Chartier

for the identification work he did to confirm the identity of the Rufous Hummingbird in Niagara Falls in the autumn of 2004 and his prompt and thorough reporting of his findings through ONTBIRDS.

Mark Cranford

for his hard work and diplomacy in maintaining ONTBIRDS as one of the premier listservs.

Department of National Defence

for their continued cooperation with birders to provide access to shorebird viewing at Shirleys Bay.

Michel Gosselin of the Canadian Museum of Nature

to acknowledge fifteen years of assistance to the editors of Ontario Birds and OFO news.

Janice and Art Haines

for their unfailing hospitality to the hundreds of birders who visited their home in Niagara Falls to see the Rufous Hummingbird in the autumn of 2004.

Karl Jennewein

for his constancy in stocking the bird feeders on the paths from Halls Road to Cranberry Marsh.

Doug Lockrey

for his assiduous reporting of Great Gray Owls in the Halls Road area during the irruption of winter 2005.

Joanne Reive

for hosting visitors on her property at Eagle so they could view the Pyrrhuloxia on her neighbour’s feeder around Christmas 2004.

Diane and Kayo Roy

for their assiduous reporting of the Rufous Hummingbird in Niagara Falls in the autumn of 2004.

John & Carol Somerset

for their reporting of a Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch that visited their bird feeder in Chelmsford in January and February 2005 and for their hospitality to visiting birders.

Martha Sova

for hosting the large numbers of visitors who came to see the Harris’s Sparrow that visited her feeder in the winter of 2005.

Walter Wojek

for maintaining the feeder that attracted the Pyrrhuloxia to his home in Eagle at Chrismas 2004.

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