Maris Apse
for completing 10 consecutive years of Baillie Birdathon and raising over $9,000, of which $3,000 came back to OFO.
Rod Barr Stella, Ontario
for maintaining habitat for wintering owls in The Owl Woods, Amherst Island, and for providing access to visiting birders to see the owls.
Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority
for maintaining habitat for wintering owls at The Owl Woods, Amherst Island, and allowing visitors access to see the owls.
Nancy Checko
for significant assistance to Ron Tozer, co-editor of Ontario Birds, with formatting, layout and computer software.
Graham and Sue Cranshaw, Pickering
for hospitality to birders coming to see the Harris’s Sparrow, 17 December 2000 to 31 January 2001.
Amanda Derrig
for posting daily updates on ONTBIRDS and being helpful to birders visiting Pelee Island for the Wood Storks in August and September 2001.
Sandra Eadie
for help on ONTBIRDS in 2000.
The Crew of Frontenac ll:
Earl Willard, Senior Captain; Captain Doug Shurtliffe; Helen Trotter, Purser; Brent Wolfreys for assisting birders to see the Ivory Gull on the ferry crossing to Amherst Island, January 2001.
The Kingston Field Naturalists
for maintaining habitat for wintering owls in The Owl Woods, Amherst Island, and for your hospitality to visiting birders.
Gwen and Paul Lauret, Stella, Ontario
for maintaining habitat for wintering owls at The Owl Woods, Amherst Island, and providing access to visiting birders to see the owls.
Loyalist Township
for maintaining habitat for wintering owls in The Owl Woods, and for providing access to visiting birders to see the owls.
Jean Iron
for providing information on the Heermann’s Gull in Toronto and helping visiting birders, January to September, 2000.